Since ancient times, shrine maidens, through their Okatana, cleanse grotesque beings called Aradama that threaten the human world. These girls, wearing their swords and uniforms as their main attire, are called Toji.
These girls are mostly students of pre-adult age who perform policing duties while studying in one of five middle-and-high integrated training schools throughout Japan.
Despite spending a normal school life, these girls, upon the call of professional duty, wield their swords, manifest paranormal powers and fight to protect humanity.
"Alright! Then, let's promise to have a rematch!"
One spring, Toji chosen from all over Japan are gathered, and a tournament that faces off different skills is held. Kanami Etou, who heads to the tournament venue in Kamakura as representative of Gifu's Minoseki Academy, and Mihono Asakura, the girl who lost to Kanami in the preliminaries and is seeing her off. The two Toji friends exchange promises of a rematch.
This promise is that even if the Toji they head towards changes, their power will remain bound to each other...
[from Wikia]
- 制作人:
- 编剧:
- 原画设计:
- 音乐表演:
安桜 美炎
主角衛藤 可奈美
主角糸見 沙耶香
主角十条 姫和
主角木寅 ミルヤ
主角古波蔵 エレン
主角此花 寿々花
主角益子 薫
主角六角 清香
主角折神 紫
主角皐月 夜見
主角瀬戸内 智恵
主角七之里 呼吹
主角獅童 真希
主角鈴本 葉菜
主角燕 結芽
主角山城 ゆい
主角柳瀬 舞衣
主角青砥 陽菜
配角播 つぐみ
配角衛藤 美奈都
配角福田 佐和乃
配角羽島 江麻
配角稲河 暁
配角岩倉 早苗
配角十条 篝
配角真庭 紗南
配角折神 朱音
配角相楽 結月
配角高津 雪那
配角渡邊 エミリー
配角綿貫 和美
刀使ノ巫女 刻みし一閃の燈火
发行日期:2018-03-19 |