The 16-year-old, second-in-charge of the Forbidden Date Club. Atsumori is Aoi's younger brother, and shares many of the privileges as his older brother as a member of the powerful Kano family. Just like Aoi, Atsumori is very used to getting whatever he pleases, whenever he pleases, though he reacts to not getting his way far more poorly than Aoi. Atsumori has a penchant for anything sweet, but especially loves chocolate (and is often seen munching on a bar of one). Even though he's frequently seen arguing with Aoi, because they tend to stick together, most find it hard to tell whether they get along or not. Atsumori is arrogant and sadistic in his dealings with women; constantly exerting his power and influence. He makes it very certain that he thinks he's top dog, and is domineering. It's his way, or the highway. Like Aoi, Atsumori doesn't think too highly of love, and treats the girls that go to the date club like things to play with and dominate. Because of his attitude, people find it hard to approach him.