Sex: MaleOccupation: Secretary to the Chairwoman of Hihaku SoapsThe man who was covertly watching Shogo Okiie at Kinshibori Park.Takumi îs the secretary to the chairwoman of Hihaku Soaps, a chemicals company headquartered in Sumida City.* * *Takumi worships the company chairwoman, Natsue Yamamori, and demonstrates his unwavering loyalty through his swift and exact execution of every task given to him. Just as Natsue Yamamori continues to exert tremendous influence over the company since her retirement from the presidency, so too does Takumi continue to support her behind the scenes. Acting as Natsue's mouthpiece in this capacity has earned him the ire of the current president and the board of directors.Takumi knows the names and faces of not only all the employees at the head office, but also the temporary workers in their factories and warehouses, and even their main suppliers.[From in-game Persons of Interest profile]