Curse Echo: The Whispering CanalShogo is an unremarkable young man entering his third year of working in the planning department at Hihaku Soaps, a chemicals company headquartered in Sumida.Born in western Tokyo to an ordinary family around the same time as the birth of color TV, he grew up amidst the boom of special effects-heavy action films, anime, variety shows, professional baseball, and pop music. He graduated from a famous private university in Tokyo, and has since settled into an apolitical mindset, with no strong ideas and no particular dissatisfaction with the world as it develops around him.He is content to just go with the flow, having stumbled into his current position by pure chance, and it is safe to assume he will follow the stereotypical path of working his way up the ladder, starting a family, and remaining at the same company until retirement.He plays folk guitar as a hobby and is currently looking for a girlfriend.[From in-game Persons of Interest profile]