Curse Echo: The Haunting ClappersHarue is a housewife who resides in a manor near Shumoku Bridge who had an eleven-year-old son called Shuichi.She is a member of the Shigima family, a line of samurai who assumed important positions in the police force following the Meiji Revolution. Her husband, adopted into the Shigima clan through an arranged marriage, is also a highly respected Agency official. However, because her family prioritizes work above all else, it wasn't long before Harue's marriage grew cold. Her son was kidnapped and murdered about a year ago by a mistake on the part of the detective assigned to the case, a mistake which enraged the kidnapper and had him cut off all contact with the police, leaving no room for negotiation.The incident was covered up and Shuichi's killer remains at large, leading the aggrieved Harue to call on the services of private investigator Richter Kai to uncover the truth.Following the incident, Harue spent many days in a deep depression, breaking into sudden fits of shouting and wandering around in the middle of the night. Her cheerful, loving disposition faded away, and she took to making snide remarks at her husband, which only further soured their relationship.A few months ago, Harue's husband was transferred to another area for work and now rarely returns home, with Harue left to live in the large, empty mansion alone.[Edited from in-game Persons of Interest profile]