Yui is Hachiman's classmate. She is a cheerful, outgoing girl who becomes the service club's first "customer", asking them to help her bake cookies for "a certain someone". Her problems lie not with her personality, but with her inability to express herself due to fear in losing friends, and thus admired Yukino and Hachiman who are able to express their true feelings. She believes that talent is inborn, and often aspired to be like others until Yukino changed her way of thinking. Following her experience with the Service Club, Yui begins to attend Service Club sessions after school as well, despite Yukino's objections early on. In class, Yui is a member of Hayato's clique but has no say in matters as she is often overwhelmed by Yumiko. She has been holding feelings towards Hachiman ever since he saved her dog on their first day of high school.[From Wikipedia]