Likes: 10 yen gumDislikes: WasabiHobbies: Watching catsThe mysterious young man who suddenly appears in front of half-naked Ayumi, telling her that she can bring her friends back to life if she retrieves the Book of Shadows. He was part of a clan similar to the Shinozaki and his grandfather was a Shinto Priest. However, his family was ostracized by society which eventually led to their deaths. This has caused him to hate the world. But then Hinoe, Ayumi's older sister took him in as her apprentice, and he grew to like her. Learning about how Hinoe died for her sister Ayumi, Misuto lost hope and plans to rule the world by using a new and replica Book of Shadows. He plans on creating a world where only the ones with high spiritual levels can have the power and rule the world.